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Baseball Speed Monthly Subscription

$75- Guides you through the process of becoming a faster athlete. Your subscription gives you access to dynamic individualized programming to improve your linear and lateral speed qualities.

Power Building Monthly Subscription

$75- Get the strength gainz of powerlifting with the body recomposition of bodybuilding all in one! This tried and true program is perfect for hard-gainers and hard-losers alike!

Olympic Weightlifting Monthly Subscription

$75- Dynamic individualized programming to improve your Snatch and Clean & Jerk.


Personal Fitness Monthly Subscription

$125- You tell us what you have available and what your goals are. Our expert coaches make sure you have the process and the know-how to get there.

5-20 Athletes

Each athlete gets personal access to our mobile app complete with expert sport-specific strength & conditioning programs for your class, group, or club team. $15 per athlete per month.

21-50 Athletes

Each athlete gets personal access to our mobile app complete with expert sport-specific strength & conditioning programs for your class, group, or club team. $10 per athlete per month.

51-100 Athletes

Each athlete gets personal access to our mobile app complete with expert sport-specific strength & conditioning programs for your class, group, or club team. $5 per athlete per month.


Power-Building Program

$135- Power-Building Program for strength & muscle increases.


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